Top Ten Tuesday 11th October 2022

Hey guys! I’m actually on vacation right now (fitting, as the prompt is Books I Read On Vacation), so I am on mobile as I refuse to take my laptop in order to be able to fully relax while I’m away. Thus, the books will be just listed, unlinked. Really sorry for the inconvenience!

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme which was created by  The Broke and the Bookish and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl. The way it works is: we are given a prompt. We then answer that prompt with a list of books, hopefully/probably ten books but you can put less or more, no pressure. After you are done, you go to That Artsy Reader Girl’s TTT post and add your link to the Linky there so people can check your post out and you can check theirs!

1. Beach Read by Emily Henry (on the beach! It was a reread)

2. Confidence by Rafael Frumkin (also on the beach. It was my last read)

3. Nice Try, Jane Sinner by Liane Oelke (in a mountain town)

4. Seasonal Fears by Seanan McGuire (on a mountain, as in having hiked up one)

5. The Lost Girls by Sonia Hartl (on the beach, on New Year’s Eve)

6. The Immortals by Chloe Benjamin (mountain town, same trip)

7. The Grimrose Girls by Laura Pohl (mountain town, different trip)

8. It Happened One Summer by Tessa Bailey (I read most of it during flights and layovers, the whole journey took 25 hours)

9. If I Had Your Face by Frances Cha (most of it in St. Petersburg)

10. Little Thieves by Margaret Owen (Moscow)

And that’s all! Take care!

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